Salt Cave
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Inhalation. The session is taken in a special room which is made out of Himalayan salt, it creates special healing microclimate and relaxing atmosphere because of 3 tons of salt, dim lights and peaceful music. We switch on special machine which blends pure salt and makes the air in the room salty. During your session you ll relax in the lounger and inhale salty air which benefits our body, skin, mood and raises immunity. Benefits people with asthma, allergies, bronchitis, sinusitis, skin conditions, stress, depression, sleep deprivation, cough, sore throat, blocked nose, mucos in the chest,smokers cough, boosts the immunity. During the session you can have feet massage, full body massage or hot stone massage, this way you take yourself to the next level of relaxation and peace. الاستنشاق. تتم الجلسة في غرفة خاصة مصنوعة من ملح الهيمالايا، حيث يخلق مناخًا شفائيًا خاصًا وأجواءً مريحة بفضل 3 أطنان من الملح،والأضواء الخافتة والموسيقى الهادئة. نقوم بتشغيل جهاز خاص يمزج الملح النقي ويجعل الهواء في الغرفة مالحًا. خلال الجلسة، ستسترخي في كرسي الاستلقاء وتستنشق الهواء المالح الذي يفيد أجسامنا وبشرتنا ومزاجنا ويرفع المناعة. يفيد الأشخاص الذين يعانون من الربو والحساسية والتهاب الشعب الهوائية والتهاب الجيوب الأنفية وأمراض الجلد والإجهاد والاكتئاب والحرمان من النوم والسعال والتهاب الحلق وانسداد الأنف والمخاط في الصدر وسعال المدخنين، ويعزز المناعة. خلال الجلسة، يمكن للنساء الحصول على تدليك للقدمين أو تدليك كامل الجسم أو التدليك بالحجارة الساخنة، وبهذه الطريقة تأخذ نفسك إلى المستوى التالي من الاسترخاء والسلام.
Politica și termeni
Clients can cancel or reschedule appointments up to 24 hours before start time.
12:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 21:00
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
Inhalation for adult 45mins
45 min | 120 QAR
Inhalation for child 45mins
45 min | 80 QAR
Inhalation Session for Adult 90mins
1 h 30 min | 180 QAR
Inhalation Session for child 90mins
1 h 30 min | 140 QAR
90mins Madi Inhalation
1 h 30 min | 200 QAR
Kids 30 min massage during 45 min inhalation session
45 min | 180 QAR
30mins Face&Head Massage with inhalation
45 min | 250 QAR
30mins Face&Head Massage without inhalation
45 min | 100 QAR
30mins Back&Head massage with Inhalation (Only ladies)
45 min | 200 QAR
30mins Back & Head Massage Without Inhalation
45 min | 100 QAR
Inhalation with 40 min feet/hands massage (ladies Only)
45 min | 200 QAR
30mins Hand&Feet Massage without inhalation
45 min | 100 QAR
1hr Swedish Massage with inhalation session (ladies Only)
1 h | 350 QAR
1.5 hour Swedish Massage with Inhalation (ladies only)
1 h 30 min | 460 QAR
2 hrs Swedish massage with inhalation
2 h | 650 QAR
1hr Hot stone massage with inhalation session (ladies Only)
1 h | 400 QAR
1.5hrs hotstone massage with inhalation
1 h 30 min | 500 QAR
2hrs Hotstone Massage with Inhalation
2 h | 750 QAR
Salt stone with inhalation
1 h | QAR400
Salt stone with inhalation 1.5hrs
1 h 30 min | 500 QAR
Salt stone with inhalation 2hrs
2 h | 750 QAR
1hr Hot oil Massage with Inhalation
1 h | 350 QAR
1.5hr Hot Oil Massage with Inhalation
1 h 30 min | 460 QAR
2hrs Hot Oil Massage with Inhalation
2 h | 660 QAR
1hr Candle Massage with Inhalation
1 h | 430 QAR
1.5hrs Candle Massage with Inhalation
1 h 30 min | 550 QAR
2hrs Candle Massage with Inhalation
2 h | 800 QAR
1hr Maderotherapy with inhalation (ladies only)
1 h | 400 QAR
1.5hrs Maderotherapy with Inhalation
1 h 30 min | 500 QAR
2hrs Maderotherapy with Inhalation
2 h | 760 QAR
1hr Aroma therapy massage with inhalation (ladies only)
1 h | 380 QAR
1.5hrs Aromatherapy with Inhalation
1 h 30 min | 490 QAR
2hrs Aromatherapy with Inhalation
2 h | 680 QAR
1hr DeepTissue massage with inhalation (ladies only)
1 h | 430 QAR
1.5hrs Deep Tissue with Inhalation
1 h 30 min | 550 QAR
2hrs Deep tissue with Inhalation
2 h | 800 QAR
1hr Swedish massage (ladies Only)
1 h | 280 QAR
1.5 hour Swedish massage (ladies Only)
1 h 30 min | 380 QAR
2hrs Swedish Massage
2 h | 480 QAR
1hr Hot stone massage (ladies Only)
1 h | 330 QAR
1.5hr Hotstone Massage
1 h | 400 QAR
2hrs Hotstone Massage(ladies only)
2 h | 600 QAR
1hr Hot oil massage (ladies only)
1 h | 280 QAR
1.5hrs Hot Oil Massage(ladies only)
1 h 30 min | 380 QAR
2hrs Hot Oil Massage(ladies only)
2 h | 490 QAR
Salt stone without inhalation
1 h | 330 QAR
Salt stone without inhalation 1.5hrs
1 h 30 min | 400 QAR
2hrs Salt stone without inhalation
2 h | 600 QAR
1hr Aroma therapy massage (ladies only)
1 h | 310 QAR
1.5hrs Aromatherapy Massage (ladies only)
1 h 30 min | 370 QAR
2hrs Aromatherapy Massage(ladies only)
2 h | 600 QAR
1hr Maderotherapy massage (ladies only)
1 h | 330 QAR
1.5hrs Maderotherapy (ladies only)
1 h 30 min | 400 QAR
2hrs Maderotherapy (ladies only)
2 h | 610 QAR
1hr DeepTissue massage (ladies only)
1 h | 360 QAR
1.5hrs Deep tissue massage(ladies only)
1 h 30 min | 420 QAR
2hrs Deep tissue massage(ladies only)
2 h | 650 QAR
1hr Candle massage(ladies only)
1 h | 360 QAR
1.5hrs Candle massage (ladies only)
1 h 30 min | 420 QAR
2hrs Candle massage (ladies only)
2 h | 650 QAR
4 hands massage 60mins without inhalation
1 h | 380 QAR
4hands massage 30min without inhalation
30 min | 280 QAR
4hands massage 60min with inhalation
1 h | 450 QAR
4hands massage 30min with inhalation
30 min | 350 QAR
Dry Cupping(Hijama) ladies only
1 h | 260 QAR
Dry Cupping(Hijama) during the inhalation
1 h | 330 QAR
Home service (ladies only)
1 h | 0 QAR
30 min | 60 QAR
30 min | 70 QAR
Nail polish
30 min | 20 QAR
Club book (one day before)
1 h 30 min | 0 QAR
20min Ear candle with inhalation
45 min | 220 QAR
20min ear candle add on massage with inhalation session
45 min | 150 QAR
20min ear candle add on massage only
45 min | 100 QAR