Perfect Pooch Dog Grooming


51 recenzii

Allan Smith

Very happy with experience, friendly and professional service.

4 dec. 2024
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Despre noi

We are a family run dog groomers based in Congleton town and can't wait to welcome you & your pooch * Fully insured * City & guilds qualified

Politica și termeni

Clients can cancel or reschedule appointments up to 24 hours before start time. Failure to attend or provide reasonable grounds, you'll be required to pay 50% of the grooming charge. Alternatively, you can reschedule your appointments anytime 24 hours prior to your appointment online via: You can do this by logging onto your account and amending your appointments or clicking the link in the confirmation email.





9:00 - 16:00


9:00 - 17:00


9:00 - 17:00


9:00 - 17:00


9:00 - 15:00




Tiny dog full groom

1 h | 31 GBP

Small dog full groom

1 h 30 min | 36 GBP

Medium curly coated dog full groom

Medium curly coated dog full groom

Medium curly coated dog full groom

2 h | 41 GBP

Medium dog full groom

Medium dog full groom

Medium dog full groom

1 h 30 min | 38 GBP

Full groom large dog

2 h 15 min | Price varies

Bath & blow-dry

Bath & blow-dry

Bath & blow-dry

1 h | Price varies

Nail trim

15 min | 6 GBP

Puppy groom for puppys 6 months or less

1 h 30 min | Price varies

Bugalugs nose & paw balm (add on service)

5 min | 1 GBP

Full groom dubble coated dog large

2 h 30 min | 50 GBP

Short haired dogs package

45 min | 30 GBP