K 9/10
Despre noi
One on one dog grooming and training salon. We also offer cat services and house call appointments
Politica și termeni
All appointments must be canceled or rescheduled with 48 hours notice. Late arrival and pick up are subject to a fee, and appointments arriving 15 minutes or more after the start tike of the appointment will be considered a no show and will be canceled. No shows will be charged 50% of the appointment total for the first occurance and 100% for second. A full list of policies can be sent on request. Thank you!
9:00 - 15:00
9:00 - 15:00
9:00 - 15:00
9:00 - 15:00
Full groom small dog
1 h 30 min | 55 USD
Full Groom medium dog
1 h 30 min | 65 USD
Full groom large dog
2 h | $80-$110
Full groom X-Large
3 h | $120+
Full groom Giants
3 h 30 min | $200+
Nail trim or grind
10 min | 15 USD
Nail caps
5 min | 15 USD
Cat shave
1 h | 80 USD
Cat bath
1 h | 60 USD
Bath small dog
1 h | 45 USD
Bath medium dog
30 min | 0 USD
Bath large dog
1 h | Price varies
Touch up
30 min | Prețul variază
Large dog brush
30 min | 0 USD
1 h | 60 USD