Heidi’s Hounds And Hairs Dog Grooming


9 avaliações


Really lucky to get a last minute appointment. Alfie looks super, has had a lovely clip and is able to see where he is going again. Thank you Heidi for looking after him and sending him back looking much smarter.

18 de set. de 2024
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Heidi's Hounds And Hairs Dog Grooming is a professional, 1-1 home-based dog grooming service in Witney. With a cage-free and calm homely environment, we focus on providing positive encouragement and reassurance to your furry friends. We use professional products and tailor our services to meet the specific needs of each dog. Specializing in grooming nervous dogs, we offer meet and treats for free to help them feel more comfortable. Fully insured and with lots of love to give, we ensure that your dogs feel safe and loved during their grooming experience. Contact us at 07376354012 or message our page to schedule an appointment.

Política e Termos

Health Current Vaccinations/Veterinarian Information: By using my services, owners verify their dogs are up to date with vaccinations for canine parvovirus, canine distemper virus, Leptospirosis and Infectious canine hepatitis. Proof of Vaccination shall be provided to Heidi's Hounds and Hair's on request as well as current Veterinarian information. Health or Medical Problems & Elderly Dogs: Grooming procedures can sometimes be stressful, especially for a senior dog or dog with health problems, and can expose hidden medical problems or aggravate a current one during or after the groom. In the best interest of your pet this contract/agreement will give Heidi's Hounds and Hairs permission to obtain immediate Veterinary treatment for your pet should it be deemed necessary by us. We will do our best to contact you first, then take your pet to our authorised Veterinarian, or to the nearest Veterinarian that is available. It is agreed that all expenses for Veterinary care will be covered by the pet's owner. Fleas/Ticks: Heidi's Hounds and Hairs strives to be a flea/tick-free environment. If your dog has a flea or tick infestation we will ask that you reschedule your grooming appointment once the flea or tick problem is under control. Dogs with a flea or tick infestation carry a risk of anaemia, infections, tapeworms and other health problems. We recommend that you contact your veterinarian for advice on the best treatment for your situation. A topical monthly flea preventative may be the most effective choice. Treating all pets in the family, as well as treating your home will help in keeping fleas and ticks under control for the long term. If fleas are found on your dog we will bathe your dog in a flea shampoo and we will have to require additional disinfecting of our premises, this will incur a €15 charge on your grooming bill. If ticks are found an additional charge of £5 will be added for their removal. Behaviour Aggressive or Dangerous Dogs: Owners MUST inform us if your dog bites, has bitten or is aggressive to people, other pets or specific grooming procedures. We reserve the right to refuse or stop services of your dog at any time before or during the grooming process. If your dog should bite, the owner agrees to be responsible for any and all related medical bills, recovery costs, loss of income and equipment damage. Coat Condition Heid's Hounds and hairs dog grooming practice humanity over vanity. If am presented with a neglected coat and believe, in my professional opinion, it is kinder to remove the coat than it is to de-mat this will be done in accordance with The Animal Welfare Act 2006. Whilst i will make every effort to identify this as part of the pre-groom consultation and coat assessment there may be occasions where the degree of matting cannot be fully identified until we commence the groom. In this event I will make every effort to contact you however if this is not possible i will, in my professional opinion, do what i believe is in the best interest of the welfare of the dog. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions you are expressly agreeing to the following De-Matting disclaimer. and Conditions you are expressly agreeing to the following De-Matting disclaimer: De-Matting Disclaimer Under the Animal Welfare Act 2006, it is an offence to cause unnecessary suffering to an animal: - this includes prolonged 'de-matting' which is painful and detrimental to the welfare of the dog. If you bring in your dog with more than 15 minutes of de-matting work, we are required by the Act to clip your dog short humanely or refer you to your vet to do the same. We will only attempt to de-matt 5% of a dog - which equates to about 50p sized mat behind each ear, same size in the armpits and perhaps one or two in the groin or tail area. We have assessed your dog's coat and found it to be matted, therefore it needs to be clipped short. This can be prevented by daily brushing with a slicker brush and comb. Will be happy to explain the correct way to brush your dog and suggest a grooming programme that will allow us to achieve the look you would like for your dog, this may involve more frequent visits to our salon and will certainly involve daily grooming at home. When a dog's coat becomes matted, it causes discomfort as the matts pull tightly on the skin and underlying health conditions may not be visible. When a matted coat is clipped short, it may occasionally reveal sore, reddened and irritated skin, this is due to the fact that the skin has not been able to breathe, and air circulation is not restored. Clipping a matted coat can take longer and cause additional wear and tear on our equipment so a further fee may be chargeable in addition to the normal groom price. The process of de-matting increases the risk of injury including but not limited to cuts and grazes, skin irritations caused by the shortness of the clipper blades that will be used as well as possible haematomas. In addition, you may see some behavioural changes such as head shaking, excessive scratching, licking and "scooting". This is where the dog will scrape their back end on the floor to relieve itching and irritations. Should you have any concerns you should seek advice from your usual vet. a Reasonable Condition and Temperament. Additional charges will apply for the extra time and products involved in grooming neglected coats, in-particular those which require clipping off due to severe matting and for dogs whose temperament or health also requires more time to complete. Additional charges may be incurred due to the wear on equipment, additional products used, as well as time and skill needed to remove matting. Accidents There is always a possibility that accidents can occur during a groom. Grooming scissors and equipment are sharp, even though I use extreme caution and care in all situations. Dog's that move or wriggle around can increase the chances of nicks, scratches and quickening the nails. I make every effort to ensure the safety of your dog but grooms may be refused if it is too dangerous to carry on. My first concern is for the welfare of your dog so in the event of an injury or illness a vet may be called by myself and unless it can be clearly shown I am liable, all costs in connection with and in the carrying out of his instructions shall be at the owner's cost. I recommend all dogs are insured. Pricing No Shows/Missed Appointments if you cancel within 24 hours of your appointment a 50% charge will incur. My prices vary due to how long the groom takes to coat condition and behaviour of the dog. Please note that I am a lone groomer so some grooms may take longer than others, Please do not discuss any of my work that I have done with other groomers! if your not happy with the groom please let me know and we can sort something out, Please do not share any of my information on other grooming sites or groups





8:00 - 18:00


8:00 - 18:00


8:00 - 18:00


8:00 - 18:00


8:00 - 18:00


8:00 - 18:00


Full Groom🐾

Full Groom🐾

This includes: X2 shampoo and conditioner or de-shedding shampoo, Blueberry facial Ear cleaning Paw and nail trim And a nice smelling cologne after + lots of love 🐾
Full Groom🐾

2 h | Price varies


No styling or clipping just a bath and blow dry with a high velocity dryer and a nice smelling cologne after 🐾

2 h | Price varies

Nail & Paw Trim🐾

Nail trims are important for your dogs this can be done every month, nail trims provide a healthy paw, leaving your dogs nails long can cause harm to your dogs joint and paws 🐾

15 min | £12

Puppy Package 🐾

Puppy Package 🐾

It is important to get your puppy’s used to the grooming process, you can book your dogs in at 12 weeks old after they have had their second vaccination, this is to ensure your puppy gets used to having their face paws touched, get used to the sounds&smells 🐾
Puppy Package 🐾

1 h | From £20


This is for nervous dogs that need a little extra time to get used to a person or the grooming process this can be done as many times as your dog needs, or if you unsure about getting your dog groomed and want to meet me I’m happy to do that too 🐾

1 h | Price varies

Hand Stripping

Hand stripping is for wire haired dogs this is done to get the dead undercoat out ready for the new coat to grow 🐾

2 h | £40 an hour