Barber/Tonsorial Services By Adam Banks


Adam Banks is a licensed barber with over 10 years of full-time experience in an ample array of Men's Hairstyles. Adam The Barber will be discontinuing support of Goldie, find out more info & schedule with him through his new dedicated website!!!

Policy and Terms

Clients can cancel/reschedule appointments at any time as long as proper notice is given and Adam has confirmed. Due to business need, Adam suggests arrival 15 minutes prior to scheduled appointment time; otherwise Adam might be obligated to fill time with another client and delay your appointment. Service times given are estimated; Adam reserves the right to extend an appointment based on services required to achieve specified results. No deposits are required. Unless dictated otherwise, Adam will never accept payment in advance; you pay for results, so pay once results have been achieved. Adam accepts Cash, Card, or Google/Apple/Samsung Pay as forms of payment; Check or CashApp will not be accepted. Adam looks forward to working with you! 😎
















All services

Standard Haircut

Standard Haircut which entails Haircut, Styling, & Sage Advice from The Barber; Finalized with a Earline & Nape Shave using Hot Shave Lather.

45 min | $35

Haircut & Beard Trim

Everything included in a Standard Haircut, but with additional Beard Trim Services; which entail Beard Trim, Beard Shaping, and Beard Line Up using Trimmer Blade*. *Please refer to the Beard Trim description for the differentiators between Beard Trim & Shave Services.

1 h | $45

Full Service Haircut & Shave

Everything included in both a Standard Haircut & a Hot Towel Shave Treatment. The upper echelon of Men's Grooming Services!!

1 h 30 min | $55

Kids Cut

Standard Haircut for any gentleman younger than 12 years of age. All Razor Services omitted for safety reasons; all other services that come standard will be performed.

40 min | $26

Hot Towel Shave

Shave of The Lower Facial Region using a Hot Towel Pre-Treatment, Traditional Straight Blade Shavette Razor, and Cool Towel Aftercare. Following treatment, an application of Premium Aftershave and Talc Powder to finalize the services. *Hot Towel Shave Services can be recommended as an upgraded version of a Standard Beard Trim.

1 h | $30

Frontal Shape-Up & Beard Trim

Beard Trim Services which also include a Razor Line-Up of the Upper Hairline. *Razor Line-Up Services are employed above the Jawline not below. *Hot Towel Treatment is Omitted due to lack of need. *Standard Aftershave is employed

35 min | $20

Eyebrow Shape Up

Performed with or without Razor Line-Up; all services performed are at Discretion of The Barber.

15 min | $10

Senior Cut

A Standard Haircut on anyone exceeding an age of 65. You are given a discount price because of the random nuggets of wisdom which you bequeath to the Barber. The Barber might learn something from you, so you should be incentivized for your time.

45 min | $30

Beard Trim

Beard Services to include Trim and Shaping of the Beard using Clippers. *Razor Line-Up can be done above the Jawline at The Barbers Discretion. *Any other Premium Shave Treatments to be omitted; to incentivize upgrading.

20 min | $15

Razor Shape Up

Razor Line-Up of the Upper Hairline to finalize with Standard Aftershave Application. *All other grooming services are to be omitted.

20 min | $12

Cut Throat Razor Fade

What stands apart is that unlike a standard bald fade where a foil razor is employed; Services are upgraded to include a hot towel shave treatment on any region of the upper head which required application of a Razor. *If upgraded to a Full Service Haircut & Shave, no additional cost will be added to the price of upgraded services.

1 h 15 min | $47