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Dread Lock Retwists (Wash And Style Included)

Dread Lock Retwists (Wash And Style Included)

Price may go up to depending on if you have a full head of dreads (low- mid taper)
Dread Lock Retwists (Wash And Style Included)

2 h 30 min | $85+ depending on amount

Starter Dread Locks (no wash or blowdry included)

Starter Dread Locks (no wash or blowdry included)

Shampoo not included, must be booked separately
Starter Dread Locks (no wash or blowdry included)

3 h | $100+

Dread lock maintenance/ instant lock

30 min | Price varies on how much needs fixed

Interlocking Retwist

3 h | 95 USD

Instant Locs

4 h | Price starts at 150 depending number of dreads/size

Wash & Blow Dry (Not Dreads)

Wash & Blow Dry (Not Dreads)

Wash & Blow Dry (Not Dreads)

45 min | 35 USD

Just blowdry no wash

5 min | Starts at $15 and depends on the hairs conditions

Box-Braids (no wash or blow dry included)

Box-Braids (no wash or blow dry included)

Not Dread Locks
Box-Braids (no wash or blow dry included)

2 h 30 min | $65+ Depending On Box Size and length

Two-Strand Twists (no wash or blow dry included )

Two-Strand Twists (no wash or blow dry included )

Not Dread Locks
Two-Strand Twists (no wash or blow dry included )

2 h 30 min | $65+ Depending On Box Size and length

Corn-Rows (no wash or blowdry included)

Corn-Rows (no wash or blowdry included)

Corn-Rows (no wash or blowdry included)

2 h 30 min | $65+ Depending On Design

Finger-Coils (no wash included)

Finger-Coils (no wash included)

Finger-Coils (no wash included)

2 h 30 min | 55 USD

Deep conditioning hair mask (inclues wash and blow dry)

30 min | 50 USD

Dandruff removal/ scalp detox

Includes the wash and blow dry

30 min | 55 USD

Dandruff removal/ scalp detox (In addition to a retwist)

30 min | 25 USD

Dread soak Detox (in addition to a retwist)

Dread soak Detox (in addition to a retwist)

Dread soak Detox (in addition to a retwist)

30 min | 30 USD

Blonde/ Color

Blonde/ Color

Blonde/ Color

1 h 30 min | $55+ Depending On Amount Colored

Ends trimmed

Wash, blow dry and trim

30 min | 65 USD


2 h 30 min | Starts at 85

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