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Microblading christmas promo

Microblading is Semi Permanent. It’s meant to give you hairlike strokes . Lasts 12-18 month. Great retention on dry skin

2 h | US$ 350


30 min | US$ 0

Powder Brows christmas promo

Powder Brows is that “Make up “ look. Meant to give you color like brow pencil. Lasts 2-3 years . Great on all skin types . Recommended for oily skin

2 h 5 min | US$ 350

Lip Blush christmas promo

Meant to enhance your lip at the same time giving you nice lip tint color . Lasts 2 years !

1 h | US$ 300

Classic Eyeliner christmas promo

30 min | US$ 300

Faux Freckles

30 min | US$ 250

4-6 week touch up

First touch up existing clients

30 min | US$ 0

2-6 month touch up

1 h 30 min | US$ 150

7-12 month touch up

30 min | US$ 250

Lip blush Touch up


1 h 30 min | US$ 160

Cheek Blush St Patricks sale

1 h | US$ 400

Lip Neutralization St Patricks sale

Dark lips .

3 h 10 min | US$ 400


30 min | US$ 700

Microblading model

30 min | US$ 50

2 services promo $550

3 h 30 min | US$ 550

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