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Nail File 100/180 - Lima 100/180

Nail File 100/180 - Lima 100/180

15 min | 2 €

Nail buffer - Buffer para uñas

Nail buffer - Buffer para uñas

15 min | 2 €

Nail Brush mini - Cepillo mini para uñas

Nail Brush mini - Cepillo mini para uñas

15 min | 2 €

Cuticle oil pen for nails 3ml - Aceite para cutículas 3ml

Cuticle oil pen for nails 3ml - Aceite para cutículas 3ml

15 min | 4 €

Cuticle oil for nails 6,5ml - Aceite de cutícula con gotero 6,5ml

15 min | 7 €

Cuticle oil for man - Aceite dé cutícula para hombre

15 min | 10 €

Intense repair polish 7,2ml

Esmalte para reparación de uñas en formato de 7,2ml. Renueva y fortalece las uñas débiles y quebradizas, dejándolas suaves y resistentes.

15 min | 10 €

Lash Lifting

1 h 40 min | 40 €

Lash Lifting Premium

Color + serum + vitamin

1 h 40 min | 45 €

Laminado de cejas/ Eyebrow Lamination

1 h 30 min | 37 €

Laminado de cejas Primium/ Eyebrow Lamination Primium

Color + vitamin

1 h 30 min | 42 €

Semipermanente/ Shellac for Hands (includes cuticle cleaning)

Does not include decoration, select item below.

1 h 45 min | 41 €

Semipermanente c/ Kapping/ Shellac whit kapping for hands (includes cuticle cleaning)

-Kapping is a reinforcing layer for weak nails. -Does not include decoration, select item below.

1 h 45 min | 46 €

Arreglo de uña (extensión)/ Nail repair

10 min | 5€

Retirado de esmaltado y limpieza (sin esmaltar)/ Polish removal and cleaning (without gel Polish)

1 h 30 min | 36 €

External Removed + Shellac

2 h | 54 €

Gel/Polygel BASIC (includes cuticle cleaning)

-Construcción/ building. -Does not include decoration, select item below.

2 h 30 min | 53 €

Retirado de gel y limpieza (sin esmaltar)/ gel removal and cleaning (without gel Polish)

-From another studio

1 h 30 min | 38 €

Gel/Polygel extension MEDIUM (includes cuticle cleaning)

-Does not include decoration, select item below.

2 h 30 min | 63 €

Gel/Polygel extension LARGE (includes cuticle cleaning)

-Does not include decoration, select it below

3 h | 75 €

Gel/Polygel PREMIUM (includes cuticle cleaning)

-Does not include decoration, select it below.

3 h | 95 €


20 min | 10 €

Deco tatto/stickers

5 min | 1€-2€-6€

Deco mano alzada simple/ Simple deco

15 min | 6€-10€

Deco mano alzada complejo/ Full deco

20 min | 8€-15€

Deco strass-piedras

10 min | 0.50€ (desde)


20 min | 14 €

Chrome effect - Efecto cromado

15 min | 10 €

Spa simple pies (sin color)/ Simple foot spa (without color)

Retirado de durezas, exfoliación e hidratación/ removal of hardness, exfoliation and hydration.

1 h 15 min | 35 €

Retirado de shellac y limpieza pies (sin esmaltar)/ Removed and cleaning foot (without gel polish)

1 h | 37 €

Esmaltado simple pies/ Normal foot polish (includes cuticle cleaning)

1 h | 30 €

Spa complejo pies (sin color)/ Full Spa (extra hardness) without color

Retirado de durezas, exfoliación e hidratación/ removal of hardness, exfoliation and hydration.

1 h 30 min | 45 €

Tratamiento de parafina pies/ Paraffin foot treatment

40 min | 30 €

Pedicura Rusa/ Russian Pedicure

Limpieza de cutículas en seco y con torno/ dry and drill cuticle cleaning.

1 h | 30 €

Retirado Externo/ Removed external

15 min | 18 €

Semipermanente pies/ Shellac Foot (includes cuticle cleaning)

1 h 15 min | 38 €

Hombres spa simple pies/ Simple Spa for Men

Retirado de durezas, exfoliación e hidratación/ removal of hardness, exfoliation and hydration.

1 h 30 min | 47 €

Hombres Semipermanente/ Shellac for Men (includes cuticle cleaning)

Incluye limpieza de cutículas/ includes cuticle cleaning.

1 h 50 min | 50 €

Hombres spa complejo pies/ Full spa (extra hardness)

1 h 45 min | 57 €

Gel- poligel para manos/ for hands

Incluye limpieza de cutículas/ includes cuticle cleaning.

1 h 45 min | 58 €

Hombres Manicura Rusa/ Russian Manicure for Men

1 h | 40 €

Esmaltado simple manos/ Normal Polish (includes cuticle cleaning)

1 h | 30 €

Manicura Rusa/ Russian Manicure

-Servicio profesional/ Professional service. -Limpieza de cutículas en seco y con torno/ dry and drill cuticle cleaning. -No incluye color/ without color

1 h | 32 €

Tratamiento c/Parafina manos/ Paraffin treatment

30 min | 27 €

Voucher 1

Seleccionar el día y horarios que se retira el voucher. Select the day and time the voucher is picked up.

5 min | 45 €

Voucher 2

Seleccionar el día y horarios que se retira el voucher. Select the day and time the voucher is picked up.

5 min | 55 €

Voucher 3

Seleccionar el día y horarios que se retira el voucher. Select the day and time the voucher is picked up.

5 min | 65 €

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