30 min | $0
2x2 Simple Tattoo (shop minimum)
30 min | $75
(1) - 3x3 size Simple Tattoo
1 h | $150
(1) - 3x5 size Tattoo
2 h | $250
3hrs of Tattooing
3 h | $350
Tattoo Special ( Tues - Friday)
4 h | $400
4hrs of Tattooing (Sat & Sun)
4 h | $450
5hrs of Tattooing
5 h | $560
4x6 Blk & Gry Portrait
6 h | $400
Cover-ups/Full Chest/ Back/Neck/Sleeves (arm & leg) (Hourly)
1 h 30 min | $150
Tap Out Special (wknds only)
9 h | $1,000
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