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In Person Health & Wellness MOT

Appointment is in person at Aughton Wellness Clinic, 28A Liverpool Road, Aughton, L39 3LW.

45 min | £60

In Person Follow Up Appointment

Only available for existing clients on the Premium Wellness Plan as a follow up in person appointment.

30 min | £0

In Person Discovery Consultation

Let's get to know eachother and you can ask any questions you have. If you're ready to feel empowered and back in control of your health, book a free discovery appointment with me and let's talk about how we can take the first steps to help you flourish. These appointments are in person.

30 min | £0

In Person Premium Wellness Plan Initial Consultation

Appointment is in person at Aughton Wellness Clinic, 28A Liverpool Road, Aughton, L39 3LW.

1 h 30 min | £350

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