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Full groom

Bath, Fluff dry, Brush out, Sanitary area tidied for hygiene purposes, pad trim, nails tidied/clipped, ears cleaned (not inner ear), clippering and scissoring to breed standard or owner preference, spray of cologne and bow all included. *Please note - Prices will vary depending on size of dog, grooming history and behaviour. Groom times will also vary. *If you have an XL dog breed or your dog needs extra attention - please call/email before booking so extra time can be blocked-off. *matted coat charge - coats that are badly matted will result in an extra charge of £5 per 15 mins spent de-matting as long as the dog is happy - this is to cover extra time taken.

3 h | From £35-£100

Bath and De-shed

This service is most suitable for short haired or heavy/double coated breeds, when clipping is not generally required. This will help to reduce loose hair and shedding and includes - Bath, Fluff dry, Brush out (to remove dead undercoat),Nail care, Ear cleaning ( not inner ear), scissor tidy if required, cologne and bow. *If you have an XL dog breed or your dog needs extra attention - please call/email before booking so extra time can be blocked-off. *matted coat charge - coats that are badly matted will result in an extra charge of £5 per 15 mins spent de-matting as long as the dog is happy - this is to cover extra time taken. *Please note - Prices will vary depending on the size of the dog, grooming history and behaviour. Groom times will also vary.

3 h | From £25-£100

Bath and Fluff Dry

To keep your dog clean between full grooms or after a trip to their favourite muddy park, includes - Bath, ear clean, Fluff dry, Brush out, spritz of conditioning spray and cologne. *This treatment is only available to customers between regular Full grooms or short haired breeds and does not include coat detangling, styling or undercoat removal for heavy/double coated dogs. *Nail trimming will be an additional cost.

3 h | From £15


Handstripping is a process that will remove the old/dead coat from wire-haired dogs and other breeds. This promotes healthier skin and a shiny/rich coat. This treatment includes a Bath, Fluff Dry, Nailcare, Ear-cleaning (Outer ear only), scissor tidy if necessary/owners preference, cologne and Bow.

3 h | From £45

Puppy Introduction

For all puppies 3-6 months old- An Introduction to the salon enviroment. This will help your puppy get used to the smells, noises and handling in preparation for their first groom. Includes - getting used to paws being handled for nail trimming, noise of clippers/dryer and feeling this on their body, lots of treats! This is an opportunity for owners to learn about coat care for their new pup too. *If puppies attend the introduction, it makes there first groom £20 instead of £30 *Please ensure your puppy is fully vaccinated and treated for kennel cough atleast two weeks prior to there first appointment.

30 min | £10

Puppy Groom

First groom - This is at a reduced rate to customers who have attended a puppy introduction beforehand. Includes - Bath, Fluff dry, face tidy, paws and sanitary area, Ear-cleaning (outer ear only), nail-trim if required. *Please ensure your puppy is fully vaccinated and treated for kennel cough two weeks prior to the appointment. *Prices may vary after this, as the dog or coat grows

3 h | £20-30

Half Daycare/Crate holding

We can offer a morning daycare before your groom - This ensures you can drop your dog off before work, ensuring it has been socialised and exercised and pick it up after work all clean and tidy. *Please contact directly to discuss the service * Dog will need to have daycare consulatation beforehand.

1 h | £18.5

Mud Bath and Massage

Mineral mud is used to exfoliate the skin. It leaves the dogs skin soothed and coat silky - the mud is self preserving and unfragranced making this perfect for dogs with sensitive skin.

3 h | from £30

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