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Stunting private

Basic to advance level but only working in one elite stunt! 6 years old and up!

30 min | $55

Tumbling private

All levels!

1 h | $90

Tumbling private

All levels!

30 min | $50

Tumbling and Stunting

30 min each! Basics and intermediate stunting, tumbling all levels! 6 years old and up!

1 h | $100

Elite stunting tryouts package

Working on elite skills: bhs full, doubles, handski, diamidov, rewinds one to one etc…

1 h | $140

Stunting High school and up!

Advanced stunting! 13 and up!

1 h | $120

Stunt group

Stunt group could be 1 flyer 3 bases or 1 flyer 2 bases

1 h | $100

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